
DIY Bunting Inspiration

Some of the websites that inspired me to make my own bunting (bunting is a really funny word and one I don't use often, but from now on I'm going to find every excuse to insert it into a conversation).

Vintage Wedding Bunting and Easy Peasy Crepe Bunting. I decided to forego sewing my bunting because I have zero skills and don't have a sewing machine, so I glue gunned them. I did get some burned fingers, but nothing too severe. This was an easy project that took a couple of days to complete. I haven't finished all of the banners that I had in mind, but I was able to make some of the reception banners that will be giving the rancho some life.

I'm also dreaming about doing this absolutely gorgeous lace-ball lamp. Need doilies first and foremost. Wouldn't dream of making them out of paper and burn the whole place down.

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